journal prompts

woman open arm on grass

What was I made for?

You are clothed in His beauty that will never wilt. You are clothed in His strength that will never fail. You are clothed in His power that will never diminish. You are clothed with Christ himself. Christ wraps you in loving arms of grace. He will never leave you naked or shivering with shame. Garments of Splendor
yellow and black happy birthday greeting card

It doesn’t matter

People may attack you, criticize you, or ignore you. They can crumple you up with their words, spit you out or even walk over you. But remember, whatever they do or say, you always keep your value. Frederick Imbo
shallow focus photo of toddler walking near river

trust and obey

You can venture more because life is a series of adventures. At times, you are on a hill and you need to glide and slide. Sometimes you are in a valley and you need to crawl with so much pain. Sometimes you are on a plain and you just need to walk, sit, rest, and enjoy the view. And when you are on the mountaintop, you may look down on the plains, valleys, and hills that you have traversed.

Celebrate your small wins!

My heart is full of thanksgiving!
clear hour glass beside pink flowers

well done!

Life is uncertain but death is certain.

Stepping out in Faith

Inhaling His grace and savoring the beauty of life. And I pray that my journals will transcend into the spaces that need them the most.

Meryl Villaruel

© Copyright 2017 / Merrel Ya / Website Design by Titus Jr Laxa

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