journal prompts



You might not be able to do it tomorrow anyway. So why not try to start now and start pouring out your heart?

let it fall, let it flow, let it go…

There are ebbs and flows in life. Sometimes you need to go along the beat and rhythm of life knowing you are safe in His hands.

Deep inside

It is unsafe to have your heart unguarded and think you still have a safe haven. It is unsafe to once again open up yourself to relationships that have gotten you hurt in the past without learning and applying lessons from mistakes learned through it. It is unsafe, most of all, to let your emotions take over your sensibilities. As Proverbs 6:27 says, "Can a man carry fire next to his chest and his clothes not be burned?"

You’ll get there too

One step at a time, just one single step each day. Hurry empties the soul never underestimate the season of preparation. You'll get there too. A lot of things can change in the next few years, your circumstance today doesn't mirror your tomorrows. As long as you're persevering, you'll get there too.

the right person for you

Do not cast your pearls before swine.