Tag quiettime


man on shore near rock formation
Intimacy is emotionally invasive; it requires knowing and being known. But the vulnerability and the self-denial that intimacy necessitates can often feel too costly. So we substitute doing for knowing and giving for being known. We show our love in other ways, we reason. But intimacy has no other way. Without time, without attention, without listening, without touch, we can call it what we like, but it is not intimacy. Alicia Britt Chole

An unshakable indentity

a large iceberg floating in the water
There's hidden treasure in your hidden years in the wilderness, it isn't about the possessions, achievements, or titles that you obtained, it's more than that. No amount of money could pay for that- it's an unshakable identity, the person you're becoming during the tough times of your life, it's just you and the Lord. How intimate is that!

It takes season

woman in white dress under red umbrella
His time in obscurity allowed him to develop his character and draw closer to God, enabling him to accomplish more than he appeared capable of.

Hidden years

silhouette of woman under blue sky and white clouds during daytime
When no one recognizes us, no one celebrates with us, no one applauds us, and no one sees us- God still notices every lil' thing we're doing, seen or unseen in the eyes of many. How comforting it is to know that there's Someone greater than anyone else who is pleased even in our hidden days when we choose to draw closer to Him.

Safe space

May we all pursue what He calls us to do, and may we have the courage to liberate ourselves from the limitations we put into ourselves, from the cages that we build around ourselves, from our own toxicity, pride, and unbelief. May His love be our safe space so we can pursue what He calls us to do with pure intentions and pure hearts. Take heart!

thank God

a person standing on top of a sandy hill
Thus, even though we don't know what's next, we may still rejoice in the Lord and praise Him if we take one small step of faith each day,persevere and surrender until He make it clear.

When God ran

three persons running downhill during golden hour
When you understand the sacrificial love of Christ, the story at the cross, you will break down not in grief but with joy in your heart.

What was I made for?

woman open arm on grass
You are clothed in His beauty that will never wilt. You are clothed in His strength that will never fail. You are clothed in His power that will never diminish. You are clothed with Christ himself. Christ wraps you in loving arms of grace. He will never leave you naked or shivering with shame. Garments of Splendor

Dark times

silhouette of person raising two hands
The dark times is the best time to see the grace of God. It is the best place to become the person of greatness. Tim Keller