Quiet Time


to be loved like this…

"Oh, to be loved like this! There's nothing left to prove, my dear. He has proven His great love for you from the very beginning - from the manger to the cross, from His crucifixion to His resurrection. You are His and deeply loved! Come back home."

More of Him, less of me.

There is no other way than Jesus.

Inhaling His grace

And the manger leads me to the cross...

faith walks

Sometimes during difficult seasons, it can be easy to feel lost and unsure of what to do next. Perhaps what you need is to take small steps of faith each day, finding comfort in the mundane and ordinary moments. As you continue to do this, you will eventually step into a new season of life, one where you are more courageous, hopeful, and surrendered than you were before.

after the wilderness

The seasons have changed and I'm aware, passion is not enough. Now that I know my weakness more Oh how I need your never dying love, Oh how I need your never dying love.