carefree day

When you fill your mind with thoughts of kindness, love, faith, hope, and joy our reality will become all of these things. You will start to see kindness in the world. You will start to feel love as you go about your day.- Nikki Banas


I love to spend my day at the park and go for a walk. After doing some errands, I just go to the park. I love seeing other people enjoying those moments, ordinary people taking time to rest and do nothing. Listening to the conversations of the vendors while eating street foods, enjoying their smiles and authentic laugh.

Staring at the clouds and enjoying the cold weather, walking and removing the dust of worries on the grass, being grateful, and enjoying this ordinary day. While staring at the clouds and gazing at the vendors nearby conversing about life, I realized that ordinary people always experience their best life. They are grateful for the little things they have and enjoy their life at its best with hope and faith.

These are the people who can give you the best life advice because they don't learn it from books or influencers; they learn it the hard way, by feeling and experiencing it. I think one problem in our generation today is our desire to know more about life. Thus, when life becomes uncertain, we experience breakdowns and struggles. We get scared when we get lost and feel like we're already left behind. I've been there too these past few months, and I've realized that life is also a discovery. Each day, there is something to learn, something to feel, and new things to discover about yourself.

Let your soul wander in the intricate pattern of life and get lost in the maze until you discover new things, new people, and new dreams. Shut out the noise around you and fill your mind with goodness, kindness, and authenticity. Listen to your heart and discover who you are. There are many so-called influencers around who will teach you something about life, and I love listening to them too, but sometimes, you don't need a pattern from other folks because you have your own unique story to tell, and you can discover it on your own.

I am just disappointed when I see people using psychology or science to trick other people. I love psychology, but it's a tool to understand ourselves and others instead of trying to control others. When people try to manipulate others, attract people to like or marry them, or find out if others are controlling them, they make people untrue to themselves. When I was reading those things, I was confused because why do we need to play so hard in life instead of living freely without judgments and accusations from others? Why do we need to protect ourselves from one another? Why do we need to devalue trust, honesty, and authenticity? Why do we withhold ourselves from one another? Why are we surprised when we see people who have good and kind hearts? Aren't we supposed to live like that, with faith, hope, love, trust, and kindness all around?

I love this season because I have more time to reflect, sit, and talk about life. I never do this to please other folks, and it's okay for me to be misunderstood. I do it because I love this thing, and I know there are some people who might need it. I want to see how my perspectives change as time passes by, the different emotions that turn into poetry, mistakes and failures that make me a better person, and ordinary experiences with lessons and meanings. There's nothing wrong with going with the flow, but you'll end up like everyone else. Why not get lost and wander, be broke, be brave, fail, cry hard, and still have faith and hope? When I stopped listening to random remarks from other people about who I should be, I started seeing more things in life, greater things with value and meaning. I have a peace that surpasses understanding even in the midst of the valley, trusting God in any season.

I love this verse, Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Job 1:21 

Published by Merrel Ya

A lady who has been pondering her hope into Christ, inhaling His grace, and enjoying the beauty of life. Writing about life, asking God about "kuliglig sa kanyang dibdib."

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