there’s so much more in life!


girl with paint of body
smiling never causes you something right? You look better when you smile.

Smiling never causes harm, right?

You look better when you smile. The world needs your smile, a glimpse of hope for someone's weary soul. Have you ever noticed that life can be challenging, but you can always be the one who chooses hope despite your circumstances? Some people are fighting for their lives at this very moment, hoping for more time, while you are standing here, still persevering. So choose to smile, even if you're tired and weary. Life is still beautiful; the sun shines every day, the moon and stars light up our dark sky, the trees sway in slow motion, and the birds soar high. Don't forget to enjoy life - you only have one, and you're not here just to suffer. You're here to experience life at its best. So smile and let your charm radiates around you!


two women holding cups laughing at each other

Growing up can be a fun and liberating experience! You have the freedom to dream big and enjoy the present moment, while also learning from your mistakes and from others. It's important to find contentment in where you are in life right now, rather than feeling pressured to become a certain person at a certain age. Despite what society may tell us, there are many exciting opportunities to explore and enjoy while we're young. By looking at life through the lenses of faith, love, and hope, we can begin to appreciate both the simplicity and complexity of the world around us.

In short, hays sarap mabuhay sa earth!


a cassette player with headphones attached to it

Take a moment to revisit your old pictures, posts, and writings. Listen to old songs and feel the nostalgia. You'll realize how much you've grown and developed over time. Although you may not be the person you once dreamed of becoming, you should still be proud of your present self. You've surpassed those simpler times, like getting low grades, being punished for being late, and fighting with siblings and cousins. As you grow older, you'll appreciate those moments from the past even more. Remember the Spongecola era? (Sorry, I'm feeling a bit nostalgic today!). You've learned so much from your past experiences, and you're still improving. Life is beautiful, and you're doing great!

So sissy, we're still doing better right? Life is beautiful!

Published by Merrel Ya

A lady who has been pondering her hope into Christ, inhaling His grace, and enjoying the beauty of life. Writing about life, asking God about "kuliglig sa kanyang dibdib."

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