Quiet Time


Enjoying God

The essence of loving is not doing. The essence of loving is delighting. God is most glorified in you when you are most satisfied in Him. John Piper

God is great!

God can provide doorways to dead ends. God can give rebirth to your dying hopes. God knows you very well and God cares for you. His grace is enough and His goodness is always available. He pursues you everyday because His love is reckless, it breaks the power of shame, guilt, fears, anxieties, and doubts. Nothing is impossible to God.

The Irony of Life

Life is tough but always beautiful.


Having a life here is already a win.

spice of life

One day you will wake up doing something you thought you couldn't do, hard things you're so afraid to face and you would eventually jump in the cliff with so much fear ready to face the uncertainties.