I never believed in love at first sight; for me, it’s so shallow to fall in love with overwhelming sensations, to take risks even without assurance, and not to ask for any return. But when I met you all I want is to take care of you and to give love.
I found peace and comfort when I first met you. I remember praying for you months before. I wrote in my journal when I found someone like you, I will call you homey yet it turns out to be Bailey. You never utter the words I love you or I love you too. You never try incredible things to make me fall in love with you; but when I’m with you, you make my heart sing. You never say a word when I’m afraid, but your presence gives me peace. You never crack jokes when I’m lonely, but you give me your back so I can lean. You never compliment me on my success, but when you gaze at me it feels like I’m the best. You don’t have a car to fetch me at work, but you never slept until I came back home.
I never thought I will fall deeply in love with you. You’re more than a lover and a friend. You’re my best buddy. And I knew there’s none like you anymore. But I’m still hoping, there will be someone out there just like you or greater than you, whom I can converse with.
I thought we will grow together, but life is fleeting. I’m grateful I pour out my heart to you even though I wasn’t sure if you love me back because you don’t even utter a word. But deep within I know the answer.
It’s been years since you left me, but I am grateful you break my heart in an unexpected way. I realized that love is whimsical at times, we can love without expecting any return. We can always give love because the more we pour out love, the more He fills us.
I will always miss your kisses and hugs, your short tail, and your big ears.
Goodbye my bebu, my Bailey, my fur baby.
We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19