Live for an audience of ONE

People will dismiss you when you're small. People will criticize you when you grow. People will resent you when you succeed. Ric Warren

Many of us want to change the way we are, the way we look, and the way we perceived life. We cover up our insecurities and try to find quick solutions and remedies. We hate the way we look, contemplating so much in our bodies and faces. And the worst is we constantly hate ourselves because we aren't acceptable in the eyes of other people and in the society we're living in. We want to look good and sound better so we can fit in; so others can love us.

The sad truth is many young people are having a hard time loving themselves and contemplating their time to prove their worth and value. Living in this fast-paced society with different social media platforms around, it's much harder to find ourselves. There are many influencers around, who should you follow? The pressure when you post in your accounts, would there be bashers? Or would the people around you like it? At times you might question yourself for having a simple life, unlike those influencers who have it all; seemingly perfect relationships, enticing cars, thriving businesses, and other stuff that you also wish to have.

It seems perfect life right?

Yes, we all want to succeed in life. Fulfilling our life goals and dreams but for me, life isn't all about that. It's about His goodness, it's about doing our purpose for His glory.

Hitting the publish button always makes me anxious. I love writing and most of the time, I just want to keep it for myself and for my future children. I want to see how God works in my life as time passes by, I want to see how my perspectives in life change, and I want to let go of my feelings and share my learnings in life. I was afraid to share it with others because I thought it wasn't worth sharing and no one would be interested in my write-ups. I was afraid to share it because I'm afraid of the opinions of random people. Hence, when I became so in love with writing, I became so unattached to my fears.

God used different people in my life and made me realize that there is a greater purpose in it. I got a free website from a good friend and I wasn't expecting it but I was praying for it. I remember I even allotted a budget so I could buy a domain, yet God provided the way. Then some unknown people messaged me to keep writing and add fuel to this purpose. Indeed, God connects us to the people who would help us to achieve His purpose in our lives and use our talents and gifts to glorify Him.

Maybe right now, you are still figuring out what you would like to do. Perhaps, you're also afraid of criticisms like me before and unable to be yourself. Perhaps you think your gifts and talents are worth keeping instead of sharing them around.

You know what, I realized hitting the publish button always makes my heartbeats thud too loud in my chest because of nervousness and excitement but right now it makes my heart sing. I don't know why but I know I need to hit that button despite what others might think of me. I know there's a greater purpose for it and I am living for an audience of ONE. I want to pursue it because God is always good and He never fails to surprise me.

You have a purpose. God has a purpose in your life, seek Him and work for Him.

I remember what our Pastor always said when he was still alive. He said, "Huwag mong naisin ang palakpak ng tao dahil iyan ang sasampal sa iyo, naisin mo ang palakpak ng Diyos iyan ang magtataas sa iyo."

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward.You are serving the Lord Christ.

Colossians 3:23-24

Published by Merrel Ya

A lady who has been pondering her hope into Christ, inhaling His grace, and enjoying the beauty of life. Writing about life, asking God about "kuliglig sa kanyang dibdib."

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