Liberating Notes

I know you're content to admire her from a distance. You're happy to catch a glimpse of her eyes for a second. Words fail miserably when she's around. It's hard to gather your courage and take chances. Perhaps it's because she's out of your league, making it unlikely for you to find a place in her world and heart. It seems like she deserves better than what you can offer. It's difficult to take steps and move closer to her, even though you are capable of doing it.

Maybe you're anxious about the possibilities and not hopeful about the opportunities. Perhaps it's only your mind that's stopping you from trying and taking the first step. I hope you will have the courage to break away from the norm that good guys are often labeled as "torpe guys" – that you are inherently nice. You can always step back and let go of your inhibitions, you can afford to keep your feelings sealed to protect others', and you can afford not to take the lead and give it to others, while enduring all the pain and sorrow.

If you truly like and love the person, go after her. Pursue her because you don't want to look back in days, months, years, or a decade, wondering what could have been. Pursue her because you don't want to reminisce about all the potential good memories you could have shared nor the pain of not taking the risk and letting go.

Pursue her, because you can.

I don't want to give you false hope and assurance that everything will be okay. No, it won't. But I hope you dare to free yourself, to do things differently and to be true to yourself. I hope you can get closer to the person who inspires and ignites your soul, someone whose beauty and flaws you can appreciate, and finally express what you've been holding inside for so long.

And if she says "NO," you still win because you free yourself from self-doubt, and finally, you're one of faithful men who are manning up.

Published by Merrel Ya

A lady who has been pondering her hope into Christ, inhaling His grace, and enjoying the beauty of life. Writing about life, asking God about "kuliglig sa kanyang dibdib."

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