
Journal prompt: day 138

I hope you learn to love the things that don't cost much. The birds singing hymns, the puffy clouds following your way to your dreams, the sun shining brightly, while its rays penetrating your body and warm your soul. Breathe the aroma of hope as you sip your coffee at the kitchen sink.

Go for a walk, a quiet walk. Enjoy the tranquility and solemnity of life. The world is noisy; find a wide space where you can meet your truest self, with no big expectations, forget your frustrations, and dream with full determination. Breathe deeply, then continue.

Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Get the lamp when it's dark then watch your step, take it one step at a time. The lamp lights every step you take, it doesn't light the next path, so you can just focus on where your feet are. Surely the light is enough until you reach the end of the tunnel.

And if you get disheartened as you meet hard people, never forget to forgive, and remove all the layers of hate, anger, and sadness creeping inside- these will kill you and they have the power to turn you into a person you are not.

And if you get frustrated as conflicts and trials arise, never forget to believe, believe that it's part of life, it makes your plot more interesting, and it adds colors and hue to gray spaces of your life. All of those struggles are meant for nothing.

And never forget to enjoy life at its best, wherever you are, whatever your season is. "Enjoy" means you honor your life even if it's so hard to continue, your life is a gift, and it's a privilege to live and to have one life in this world.

It's a privilege to breathe.

It's a privilege to dream and to make it come true. It's a privilege to see things though cruelty is around, beautiful things are just in the corner, the goodness of humanity, I hope you still believe in it.

It's a privilege to hear, the sound of hope rising above, the sound of footsteps running to win the prize, and the sound of tears falling as you pray at night.

It's a privilege to feel, to feel love, hate, sadness, anger, and grief- all the emotions that make us human. These emotions can turn into a piece of art or they can turn into a piece of crime. Feel your emotions, express them, and don't suppress them, and slowly let them go or turn them into something beautiful. It's a privilege to love and to be loved.

It's a privilege to walk, walk though your feet are weary finding the piece of puzzles to complete your story, keep walking and venturing.

Life is hard, may you always see the beauty in it. There are many distractions around, may you always search for calmness, a quiet time to sit in silence, and just be grateful for all the underrated privileges you have, those things unseen weigh the most.

Published by Merrel Ya

A lady who has been pondering her hope into Christ, inhaling His grace, and enjoying the beauty of life. Writing about life, asking God about "kuliglig sa kanyang dibdib."

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