journal prompts

take your time beloved

Take your time; slow down.
person holding red balloon


Maybe if we can just utter what's inside our hearts, it won't hurt that much. Maybe we don't need to suppress our feelings, keep it in a box that nobody would know, and let it fades. Maybe we're not brave enough to accept rejections and No's. Maybe the fruit of waiting is not yet ripe. […]
person in black pants and white sneakers walking on brown asphalt road during daytime

Quiet Walks

I am weird. I love quiet walks. I love the tranquility and solemnity of being alone. I like to roam my eyes and let my feet absorb the noise around me. I always crave slow days even in mundane or peculiar places. A day with rain and coffee, nor a night with the stars and […]


May you never forget that you matter. When no one is showing up for you, keep showing up for yourself. When no one understands you, Just be patient! Maybe they are having a hard time too. If you're hurt in small things and others invalidate what you feel. Remind yourself that not all feelings are […]
closeup photography of woman wearing floral skirt holding red gas lantern at brown grass field


Pressure, back pains, and fears Keep coming these days. I thought this would be a better place, Where everything runs smoothly. But as time keeps running, my heart beats keep thudding too loud. Feels like I'm hanging on a thread, GRACE keeps me going. Dreams seem so unclear. Teardrops of confusion pour out. Crickets join […]