Quiet Time


Discovering the blessing

"People are trying to bless themselves, the fulfillment we're trying to look in work, skyscrapers, in having wonderful spouse, in having children or making a lots of money, the blessing that we're looking for is actually in the face of God. The blessing we need is in Jesus himself." Tim Keller


May you become prisoner of hope instead of fears, spokesperson of joy instead of loneliness, and the one who walks in faith instead of unbelief.

genuine happiness

a surrendered life leads to genuine happiness

Faith over fear

Fears would always try to scream out loud but GOD is just beside me murmuring and reminding me that I am safe in His arms. I am forever safe with Him.

How Precious is His Steadfast Love

When you realized that God loves you unconditionally, it's hard not to worship Him and to testify about His great love. Oh Lord, how precious your steadfast love.