Quiet Time


When God helps; He sends the right people.

God touches hearts; He sends people who are going to help us. Sometimes these are the people whom we least expect to show up in trying times or people whom we even don’t know but still offer help. It’s so amazing, God works in unexpected ways but still right on time.

When God loves, He does…

Life is fleeting and without Jesus, life is a mess; without Jesus, life is not at its best.

Learn to play

I realized I need to stop first before playing, I need to enter His presence, quiet my soul and let Him fill me.

Learn from the lil’ Ones

I wonder why He didn't say that the greatest is the one who did many things for him nor the wisest person but a person who humbles himself like a child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

He works on us

God works on us through each other.