Inhale His grace

When you live under the grace of God, you'll realize you're so favored to have a life here in this world, full of purpose and meaning despite all the sufferings. Everything comes from Him. You will stop chasing what's not meant to be yours and instead ask for the favor of the Lord and be content in His presence.

Inhale His grace and soak at the moment.

Adulting, maybe some of you would honestly admit that you also experienced anxiety attacks when you stepped into adulthood. Like if you don't have a good career, high salary, business, and relationships at this certain age it means you're not working hard and you're not trying your best. You might feel you're merely existing and left behind even though you're persevering. You need to be more productive, and more ambitious, strive for more, earn more, and work hard.

That's all good, you should be responsible yet isn't too much that you forget your soul to satisfy all your desires?

I was once conversing with a sixteen-year-old lady, she was pouring out her heart desires and I was just listening to her. At that age, she is already pressured and overthinking her future, wanting to be a highly independent woman which seems a norm now. Like she would rent a house, pursue her dreams on her own, and buy all the things she needs though she's favored to have a home with her family. I admire those independent women who really need to stand up on their own and pursue their dreams even without anyone because they don't have a choice. They are so brave and doing good. Yet the other younger ladies misinterpreted it like it seems so easy, getting away from home and navigating their lives on their own.

Society will constantly remind you of the things you don't have and would make you feel not worthy enough. I once lived in that space too, forgetting God is everything I need to have, more than anything else in this world.

I was so grateful for all the Friday nights that we spent with our pastor. Those simple conversations that at times broke us and challenged us. He always imposed in our hearts and mind to pursue Christ, to chase God more than anything and all the things we need will just come naturally, He's sufficient and enough. He is worth our time, nothing is ever wasted when we spend it with the Lord. And those things that we desire like promotions, ministries, good finances, life partner, all the things we need would be given to us if it means glorifying the Lord so we won't boast that it comes from our strength and power. Everything comes from the Lord, He will give us the desire and the strength to acquire it. He will also empower us in every suffering that comes along the way because there's a purpose in every pain.

I once heard this, "One touch of God's favor can be more than a lifetime of labor, 50 years in the flesh doesn't compare to 50 seconds working in the spirit" thus we should operate in the power of the Holy Spirit because He can do the supernatural, we should keep seeking His presence so we will stop chasing the wrong people, dreams, and life goals. His grace is sufficient.

And once you surrender everything to Him, you will start losing grip on the things that don't have value and purpose in your life, you will learn to let go of those who aren't from Him knowing He has better plans.

My life is all about His grace and His goodness. I'm not perfect and I'm not good enough on my own but He remains good and faithful. He always empowers me. I constantly fail but His grace always lifts me up. I don't deserve everything I have but God is so gracious and loving and provides everything along the way. May you also experience His grace beloved.

God is all you need, you won't discover truly who you are if you don't know Christ. "God loves the world so He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." -John 3:16

We don't deserve that love but because of Christ, He calls us worthy. We deserved suffering, death, and condemnation but because He loves us we have eternal life through Christ. God gives us purpose so we can have a meaningful life not only a success story but a victorious life in Christ. You are not an accident, may you be reminded that You are loved and God can heal you and restore your life once you ask the forgiveness of your sins, accept Him as your Savior, and live a new life in Christ.

Don't worry if you don't have the so-called success of our generation, God loves to bless His children more than you can ever imagine; let Jesus be your everything. Don't lose your soul for temporary pleasures, you won't bring all of those when you're six feet underground. Inhale His grace beloved!

Let's keep our faith.

Take heart!

What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

Mark 8:38

For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God having the apperance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

2 Timothy 3: 2-5

Published by Merrel Ya

A lady who has been pondering her hope into Christ, inhaling His grace, and enjoying the beauty of life. Writing about life, asking God about "kuliglig sa kanyang dibdib."

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