Brave Kid

I threw my pencils and jumped outside. My neighbors already left me, "they were so impatient," I mumbled.

My study buddy was so focused on doing her assignments and she was grade conscious so my mother always pushed me to stay at their home and befriended her. I didn't like to study with other kids, it sucks for me. I preferred to invent my formula, derive my solutions then boom, have the exact answer. It was a magic trick that sometimes succeed but most of the time failed when it comes to numbers.

One thing I like the most was fixing old magazines, papers, and books. I would arrange it all on my study table while pretending an old intelligent lady. I still couldn't read but I was imagining stories in my head while browsing the pictures. I like the aroma of the pages as I turned each one of them.

I had a lot of toys. My aunties used to give us a big cargo full of chocolates, toys, and clothes. I used to be alone with my toys and talked to each one of them. When I get tired of playing, the field was wide; we could run, jump, hide, and sing. My neighborhood was awesome, we grew up together. Sometimes they were mean but they were not bullies like the children at school.

"I didn't want to do this anymore. I would finish it at home. Everyone was in the river, let's go!" I yelled to my study buddy.

"No, I should finish this homework. My grandmother wouldn't allow me, you better go," she said.

I jumped out of her bed while trying to avoid her grandmother. I was afraid to look into her eyes, she looked like the old woman with a pussy cat in Mr. Bean.

I was left alone. Everyone went already to our favorite place. It was far away from our neighborhood but because I was a hardheaded kid, I still followed them. I enjoyed being alone so it was never really a problem.

I crossed the famous bridge in our neighborhood; this was just two planks of wood and you need to be brave not to fall in the creek full of mosquitoes, tadpoles, and garbages. I tiptoed and hold my breath as I walked slowly.

"Whoosh, that's not that challenging," I uttered confidently,

I started leaping and kept talking to myself. I never felt alone, it's a kinda weird feeling.

The forest was calm and peaceful; excitement overflows as I met different carabaos and horses on the plain. The birds seemed resting, the wind blew and whipped my hair while the Narra trees swayed slowly and danced gently.

My mind started singing and my feet started dancing to the rhythm of the forest. I was almost near but I heard a loud noise. I turned my back and I saw angry dogs. I started smiling at them, crossing my fingers, and biting my tongue- these were effective rituals, my friend advised me.

Hence, the trick was ineffective at the moment. I didn't know what to do so I started running. I ran as fast as I could. It seems I was in the marathon competing for the Olympic gold medal while my heart was thudding too loud and my veins getting red as the sunlight penetrate my tired body.

One of them followed me; barking so loud, yelling at me like an old man. His teeth were gnashing in anger, like an old man who suddenly woke up in the midst of his siesta because of a silly kid.

"Please forgive me dogggggggggggy" I shouted as I ran in hundred percent mode.


I wanted to take back the time, putting blame on myself and choosing adventures over my homework. I was pleading under the clouds.


I was in slow motion as I turned my head, the dog slowly opened his big mouth with his sharp teeth, ready to bite my butt at any moment.

"He looked like a Cheetah!" I cried.

I looked again at the clouds then I closed my eyes, and shouted HIS name.


He's a friend of mine and I always have a faith in him that He could save me at any moment. I grew up believing that Jesus is my Savior. My mother always brought me to Sunday school even though I didn't want to. I was the crying baby in the hall during prayer gatherings, forcing my mom to go home.

Still crossing my fingers. I was ready to die as an overacting kid.

Suddenly the mood changed, it became quieter, and the dog stopped chasing me.

I stopped running, he was still behind me and I could still see him. He was just staring at me. I could feel and taste my sweat. We're staring at each other for seconds. He never barked again just like my friend when I said the magic word "time freeze!

I couldn't move, waiting for an attack at any moment. But he was staring at me and at ease in his place. If I interpreted his glance it would be, "You better go now lil' kid, enjoy the adventure, and be brave."

I smiled and turned my back. I looked back and the dog went home.

I continued walking and went down to the river. I was still amused. Then, my friends were in a state of shock because I came before them.

"Which path did you take? Why are you so fast?" they yelled at me.

I tried to narrate to them but they preferred to jump and dive in the waters. I couldn't also believe it by myself so I soaked in the water.

It was bizarre but I can still narrate every detail of it. It was remarkable, unforgettable, and unbelievable when I was lil' kid. And right now, it feels the same.

I want to be courageous again; ready for uncertain adventures that life throws and be confident that His presence is always with me. He never leaves.

Published by Merrel Ya

A lady who has been pondering her hope into Christ, inhaling His grace, and enjoying the beauty of life. Writing about life, asking God about "kuliglig sa kanyang dibdib."

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