To the young leaders

Dear young leaders,

You're exhausted, you're burn out, you wanted to run and escape for awhile because the burden and hatred suddenly creep into your spirit.

You wanted to stop leading people because you are misjudged by your capabilites. Their demands are higher than your capabilities .

You can't understand each other. Your principles and point of view clashed because you have different opinions. The joy in your heart before turns into annoyance. You don't like them in short. You don't want to work with them because you see already their scars. You see their inner self.

But before it sinks into your heart pause for awhile.

Are you working because of them?

And you knew your answer.

Of course you're working for the Lord.

You're serving the Lord.

But you need each other, you need their strengths and their weaknesses. You need also to see their scars and be part of their healing. You need to embrace each other differences and understand each other personality. You might not like them in some point, but remember how you started in serving the Lord in leading the younger generation.

The younger generation needs you and if you stop today, it won't continue . Your legacy in life shouldn't stop it should continue for the glory of the Lord.

Maybe it's hard now, and maybe it will be harder tomorrow but the most important is you keep moving with your fellow leaders.

Accept each other differences , help them to get up when they stumble. You don't need to be the same, but your differences should not hinder your love for the Lord.

Maybe you're hurt and it's so painful.
You're not alone. Lift each other burdens, lift each other dying spirit. Forgive, and remove your hatred . Listen to each other mumble cries.

You will finish the race beloved leaders , get up and help others to get up.Love each other , cover all the hate with love and forgiveness. Stay behind with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ , get healed under His arms.And the most important pray for one another, you didn't know what they are going through.

Your work is not in vain beloved leaders so don't lose heart .

"Therefore we do not lose heart . Though outwardly we are wasting away yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day ."2 Corinthian 5:16

Your disciple,


Published by Merrel Ya

A lady who has been pondering her hope into Christ, inhaling His grace, and enjoying the beauty of life. Writing about life, asking God about "kuliglig sa kanyang dibdib."

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