well done!

Life is uncertain but death is certain.

Last time, we went in a funeral service of a servant of Christ and the pastor who was giving a message said, "life is uncertain but death is certain." All of us will lay down at the coffin soon whether we like it or not. We are all passersby in this world because heaven is our real home.

He began in a story and I wanted to share this to all of you. One day a father and his child were walking down the road with their horse. The father needed to go in different place for a while so he left his child and his horse. He tied the horse in a corner then when he was gone the horse started kicking and the child was wounded, he almost died. Then, suddenly a boy embraced the child and saved him even it cost his life. In short, the little child was saved. Then, the child grew up as a criminal. He did a lot of bad things. Then, he was put into a court. then the judge was sitting there upfront. The judged looked so familiar and he said, " Oh, you were the one who saved me when I was younger, you gave your life for me. right Mister?" The judge answer, " Yes, I saved you before but now I am standing in front of you as a judge to account what you did in your life."

What does it mean?

At the end of the day, we will account all the things we had done while we are living here, the good and the bad. Jesus Christ saved us, He died on the cross so we will have relationship with the Father and once we accept Him as Savior and Lord, we will have a new life, more meaningful life. And our life should point towards Him. We should live a life that is pleasing to Him and to contribute something for His kingdom. So when we face him he will say, "Well done, faithful servant."

While listening to the messaged, it gave me so much peace and assurance that heaven is our home and while we are here, God has still a purpose in our lives. Most of the people in the funeral said that Pastor Angel did a lot of work for God's kingdom, perhaps his life here wasn't like the others who were living with so much materials things but peace and joy always overflows in his life. He brought many souls for His kingdom, he persevered not for his own good but for the other people.

He was my classmate in Tesda and we called him "Tatay." He always cracked funny jokes and never failed to share the gospel to everyone. I just realized now why he enrolled there. It wasn't like my intention who wanted to learn something for my profession. He enrolled there to share the gospel to the youth and not so much about achieving something in life. He was selfless man. And when I talked once to his daughter, I was wondering why this young lady is so passionate in her ministry and she seemed so rich not in material things but in purpose. Then I realized her dad taught her the greater things which is the most important thing in our life.

Funeral service always lead me back to the most important thing in our life which is to pursue Christ than anything in this world and to do something for His kingdom. Have you ever noticed that sometimes we are much more concerned with the materials things around, yes practicality is important, but they are right we won't bring our golds and achievements in heaven. Looking at their family, who do not have all the materials things, they even made their home as a church for everyone, and having small space for their bedroom. His wife was telling that pastor wanted to make the church bigger and wider but she was wondering where would they sleep when it happened. But the fruit of his work is clearly visible, their home was filled with young people who knew Christ because of their family. Their lives is full of purpose, not for themselves but for God's kingdom. And I hope to have a heart like them.

No one has a reserved ticket for tomorrow, life is fleeting and without Jesus life is a mess. And let us be reminded that we have only one life here and only what we did for Christ will last.

14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

James 4:14

Published by Merrel Ya

A lady who has been pondering her hope into Christ, inhaling His grace, and enjoying the beauty of life. Writing about life, asking God about "kuliglig sa kanyang dibdib."

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