God Works Mightily

I was editing our video presentation for our Friendship Anniversary. We call our fellowship in youth ministry "Friendship Sunday." Each care group should prepare a presentation. My disciples and I already prepared the concept last time and I was assigned to compile the videos they edited. We had discussions about how thrilled they were about tomorrow. These young ladies are just incredible. After a week of not seeing each other despite our constant communication, they gave me a tight hug and told me how much they missed me.

And right now, I am thinking of a possible journal entry for today and He reminds me of these ladies. I was praying to the Lord last 2019 that I wanted to have disciples so I can share all the things I've learned and live out His commands, to make disciples.

I remember I met different younger ladies, we always dated together and I tried to lead them but it was so hard and it didn't last. I tried but it didn't go well. Then last year Rina chatted with me, and she asked if she could go to church and bring others too. She was also our VBS student before. She messaged me out of nowhere, and after that, we started our Saturdate friendshipan. It was during the pandemic, we were all stressed out because of quarantine and God brought this youth. We started getting to know each other every Saturday, we dated a lot in the parang; we played until these parang dates turn into church dates. They started knowing Jesus.

And now I still couldn't comprehend how great He is. He touched Rina's heart, He works mightily in her life and He connects every one of us. We just prayed and God answered at the right time.

The Lord also answered my specific prayers through Quisha, Thea, Mhegan, and Rina. These ladies always hug me so tight and I like it whenever they do that. I feel so loved by the Lord, I think God uses people to show HIS love for us. I remember the book entitled Love Does by Bob Goff. He said, "God doesn't pass us messages, instead He passes us each other. " I used to think that I would help them in their faith in the Lord but actually, they are the ones who help me. They helped me to move closer to Him, to spend more time in Him, and to have faith in Him. I am the one who learned a lot of things.

When I gaze at them, I just realized God works mightily and purposely. How great He is and amazing He is when He connects each of us even though we came from different families, circumstances, and beliefs. As I look at the sky while writing this prompt I couldn't help smiling. The sky is dark, and I can't see any light from above but my hope in Him still glowing. I am just excited about what He will do with these lovely ladies and in this youth ministry. It's His work and I'm just here to do my part and to learn from Him. It's all for His glory.

My worries fade this time and my faith in Him grows bigger. And as a believer, we should really live in faith and not by sight. God works mightily and purposely and when it's the right time He will connect us to the people who will ignite His love for us. He will touch the heart of the people who will help us in our faith walk. He will bring us closer to the people who will also help us to move closer to Him.

How Great He is!

Maybe I needed to sleep now, tomorrow is our first anniversary. God is indeed great!

Published by Merrel Ya

A lady who has been pondering her hope into Christ, inhaling His grace, and enjoying the beauty of life. Writing about life, asking God about "kuliglig sa kanyang dibdib."

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