Tag havefaith

God is great!

person with flashlight under gray sky with stars
God can provide doorways to dead ends. God can give rebirth to your dying hopes. God knows you very well and God cares for you. His grace is enough and His goodness is always available. He pursues you everyday because His love is reckless, it breaks the power of shame, guilt, fears, anxieties, and doubts. Nothing is impossible to God.

spice of life

person standing on cliffhanger
One day you will wake up doing something you thought you couldn't do, hard things you're so afraid to face and you would eventually jump in the cliff with so much fear ready to face the uncertainties.

The narrow road

a dirt road surrounded by tall trees and greenery
Liberate yourself from the things that constantly imprison you, flee from them and run with perseverance, courage, faith, love, and hope to the path of life. It may be full of twists and turns but His grace is enough to carry you until you finish the race.

made for Heaven

calm sky during daytime
Whenever I look up to the sky and see how beautiful the clouds are, just seeing those things remind me that He paints and works excellently, beautifully, and perfectly.

twenty five years of grace

Full of tests yet full of purpose. Full of revisions yet full of meanings. Full of distractions yet full of peace. Full of emptiness yet full of provisions. Full of failures yet full of promises. Full of mistakes yet full of Grace. His love is beyond measure.

unwavering faith

A faith that trusts Him only when the ending is good is a fickle faith. A faith that trusts Him regardless of the outcome is real. Katie Davis Majors