Tag havefaith

faith walks

foot prints on beach sand
Sometimes during difficult seasons, it can be easy to feel lost and unsure of what to do next. Perhaps what you need is to take small steps of faith each day, finding comfort in the mundane and ordinary moments. As you continue to do this, you will eventually step into a new season of life, one where you are more courageous, hopeful, and surrendered than you were before.

after the wilderness

woman wearing white and gray striped sleeveless dress smelling the air standing in the pink flower field at daytime
The seasons have changed and I'm aware, passion is not enough. Now that I know my weakness more Oh how I need your never dying love, Oh how I need your never dying love.

keep going

a person standing in a canyon surrounded by rocks
Surely it’s tiring to keep going, to keep fighting, and to keep believing unto His promises when you can’t even see His fingerprints, when you can't hear His footsteps, when you can't trace His heart, and when you can’t see miracles and answered prayers.

Sacred space

man in black jacket sitting on rock near river during daytime
In multitudes we find comfort in being connected, in abundance, we find fullness and joy, in success, we find meaning and purpose and in emptiness, we find failings and breakings. Surely, it's painful but there is so much healing in stillness, a breakthrough in a quiet and lonely place when no one is watching, only you and God. In the wilderness, a barren and desolate place, we can find beauty and solace in being honest with ourselves and just pouring out our hearts to God.

You’ll get there too

toddler's standing in front of beige concrete stair
One step at a time, just one single step each day. Hurry empties the soul never underestimate the season of preparation. You'll get there too. A lot of things can change in the next few years, your circumstance today doesn't mirror your tomorrows. As long as you're persevering, you'll get there too.

Firm Foundation

white book page beside green potted plant
Trusting God costs us not to trust ourselves, sometimes we thought we're capable on our own but the truth is as a believer we are called to live in faith and not by sight, and it's incredibly hard. We are called to believe every Word in the Scripture and to obey Him one day at a time.

hard seasons

woman riding on swing during sunset
Perhaps your path is harder because your calling is higher. Perhaps you need to be familiarize with pain and hardships so you'll appreciate happiness and success better. One day you'll be glad not because you're capable of doing it on your own but because His grace strengthen you and carries you every time you can't walk through life anymore. As long as you're living you are still winning.


man on shore near rock formation
Intimacy is emotionally invasive; it requires knowing and being known. But the vulnerability and the self-denial that intimacy necessitates can often feel too costly. So we substitute doing for knowing and giving for being known. We show our love in other ways, we reason. But intimacy has no other way. Without time, without attention, without listening, without touch, we can call it what we like, but it is not intimacy. Alicia Britt Chole