Learn to play

Have you ever played any instruments?

Perhaps if you grew up in church, there was a time that you tried to touch the keyboard, hit the drums, and strum a guitar. It was fun at first and cool when you were young. Your heartbeats might explode because it was thudding too loud in your chest, you won't even mind the cold sweat coming out of your body, and your legs trembled all throughout the song. But before doing all of those, you need a lot of patience, and pounds of courage to keep trying in order to hit the right chords.

My hands were so stiff the first time I touched the keys, it was so hard to be in tune with the other instruments. I remember I always hit the wrong notes and I'm not usually in sync with them. I failed a lot so I kept practicing. But my friends were always telling me just to learn to play with all my heart and worship God. I started to try to play and feel the music until my fingers dance across each key and start to worship God. I just quiet my soul and seek His presence, His beauty, His loveliness, and His gloriousness. And I realized, it starts with our hearts just like what our pastor always said before. I couldn't focus because I was afraid to make mistakes and I thought it was about how I played but I was wrong, it is all about the One that we worship. He's looking into our hearts and He sees everything inside.

It's really the Spirit who connects us so we can worship God. We can't do it with our own strength, power, and might. I couldn't even explain whenever I worship and adore Him. He's so great that we're so limited in our human capacity to understand His greatness and His love. But I'm grateful to my Helper, my Mentor, and My Advocate. He always reminds me of the truth.

I realized I need to stop first before playing, I need to enter His presence, quiet my soul and let Him fill me.

Published by Merrel Ya

A lady who has been pondering her hope into Christ, inhaling His grace, and enjoying the beauty of life. Writing about life, asking God about "kuliglig sa kanyang dibdib."

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