When you’re struggling with how you look

"Nobody cries at a funeral because the world will be missing out on another pretty face. They cry because the world will be missing another heart, another soul, and another person. Create something that lasts far beyond your body." Brianna West

Perhaps you perceived that no one likes you because of your looks. You've been rejected a lot of times or your beauty hasn't been appreciated by anyone. You might think that everyone values faces, curves, and muscles; more than souls. Maybe others made you feel that way and it's hard to get out of the cage. I know it's hard for you and invalidating your feelings won't help you, been there too. But not all feelings are reliable and truthful, you can feel them but surely it's better to let them go.

Don't contemplate and waste your time with that. You won't always be enough and that's okay. You are flawed and imperfect; it makes you more human. Accept and embrace your reality but also dehypnotize yourself from false beliefs- mere opinions of other people. Hypnosis is the power of belief, if you believed that is true-it has the same power over you. Don't live with it. Don't embrace society's unrealistic standard of beauty because we all have flaws and limitations. Don't fall into the idea that no one loves you for your shape, size, color, and appeal.

Remember beauty is fleeting; vigor and vitality are fading. Tomorrow you will be missing one tooth, you'll have sagging skin, and your perfect posture will be crooked. No matter how we try to preserve our beauty it won't last, we're all aging. YES we can improve our outward appearance but our character, values, beliefs, perspectives, talents, skills, and mindset will stand the test of time, they should be nourished so we can flourish, these matter most of the time.

Character is the most underrated elegance at this time; it's harder in our generation to pursue humility, patience, love, hope, purity, and faith. It's easier to make ourselves look better but it isn't also nice to nourish our soul, mind, and heart. It's easier to live for our own good and forget others but it isn't also nice to use our talents and gifts to serve one another. It's easier to unlove the parts of us that we don't like but it isn't also nice to know we can still make a difference. It's easier to search for love and fulfill our desires but it isn't also nice to show a random act of kindness and love to others. It's easier to cover up our insecurities with quick remedies but it isn't also nice to identify their deep roots, peel them, and heal from them.

Get help and be kinder to yourself as well. Talk to yourself the way you speak to someone that you love deeply. Have the courage to be imperfect but still work out for yourself to improve and to be better not to please others but to please the ONE who loves you perfectly.

You're flawed and not good enough, and that's okay. Welcome to the human race, you're just a human and that's totally fine. And the truth is we can't find satisfaction within ourselves because we're insufficient on our own. We need God's love through Jesus so we can see ourselves the way He sees us. He's our creator and He's the only ONE who can define us and give meaning to our lives. Knowing your imperfections and weaknesses leads you to improve yourself, rely on Him, and get help from other people so you'll be ready for a greater purpose. You won't be perfect most of the time and it's totally FINE.

You have flaws but God loves you abundantly and sent His Son to die for your sins so you can be free from your insecurities. When you realized God's love for you, it's easier to love yourself and others as well. You'll be secure and at peace with him. He will give you identity and purpose. He will give you confidence so you will learn to unravel whatever emotional toxicity is built up inside you. Your faith will shut all the lies so you will be equipped with more valuable things- to use your life for His glory and light up the people around you. Others need you as well; your gifts and talents might be answered prayer to someone. Your goodness matters more than the size of your pants, more than your six-pack abs, more than your large chest and butt.

May you see yourself the way God sees you.

You are loved and favored. Believe beloved! Take heart, by His grace you'll make it.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Proverbs 31:30

Published by Merrel Ya

A lady who has been pondering her hope into Christ, inhaling His grace, and enjoying the beauty of life. Writing about life, asking God about "kuliglig sa kanyang dibdib."

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